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guapet: so my brother was telling me about this human resources certification he attended a while...

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so my brother was telling me about this human resources certification he attended a while ago. in a panel, the panelist asked a bunch of people in attendance, “who here knows if an applicant for a job is right for it in under 60 seconds?”

hands shot up around the room, people smug about their ability to “weed out the riff-raff” when it came to hiring for their fortune 500.

“you should all be fired and probably in jail,” they said, waiting for the whole room to get uncomfortable, then continued, “because the only things you can really learn about a human being in under 60 seconds are all things that are fueled by prejudices and biases covered by american law. so now, i will teach you how to stop being racist, sexist, judgmental assholes and hire people that will better your company of employ.”

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3378 days ago
3378 days ago
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3378 days ago
San Luis Obispo, CA
3378 days ago
Well played
3378 days ago
Earth, Sol system, Western spiral arm
3378 days ago
Space City, USA
3378 days ago
3378 days ago
3378 days ago

Extraterrestrial Fossils Uncovered Inside Meteorite Found In Sri Lanka

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sri lankaEarlier this year, a group of scientists claimed with certainty that tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in late December 2012, are proof of extraterrestrial life. A paper was published in the Journal of Cosmology (1)(3) by Chandra Wickramasinghe. Wickramasinghe is the director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the U.K. The study was conducted alongside researchers at the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University and from the Medical Research Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

They found “a microstructure and morphology characteristic of a wide class of terrestrial diatoms.” The group concluded that “the presence of structures of this kind in any extraterrestrial setting could be constructed as unequivocal proof of biology.” Cardiff University was asked to proof-check and analyze the findings, which it did, concluding that the samples were “unequivocally meteorites” and that the analysis of the material structure showed that algae-like fossils were native to it.

This is the first-ever evidence of extraterrestrial life found in a celestial body. The researchers used sophisticated methods like X-ray diffraction, triple oxygen isotope analysis and scanning electron microscopy.

In 1962, Hoyle and I pioneered the theory of carbon grains in space to replace the old ice grain theory. This was vehemently resisted by the astronomical community at the outset, but with the dawn of infrared spectroscopy, the ice grain theory gave way to the carbon dust theory. Over a few years, after a great deal of model-fitting, we came to the conclusion that material similar to biomaterial fitted all the available data in astronomy. We considered the possibility that microbiology had a universal character, and no observations in astronomy or new information from biology has provided contrary evidence.If only ideas that are considered orthodox are given support through award of grans or publication opportunities, it is certain that the progress of science will be stifled as it was throughout the middle ages – Wickramsinghe

English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle along with Wickramasinghe co-developed a theory known as “panspermia,” which suggests that life exists throughout the universe and is distributed by meteoroids and asteroids. It’s quite a synchronicity that this meteorite found in Sri Lanka happened to fall in their lap, potentially proving their theory correct.

We conclude that the identification of fossilized diatoms in the Polonnaruwa meteorite is firmly established and unimpeachable. Since this meteorite is considered to be an extinct commentary fragment, the idea of microbial life carried within comets and the theory of cometary panspermia is thus vindicated. This was also the guess of the Sri Lankan geologists who first looked at the rock. I personally have no doubt whatsoever that this was a stone that fell from the skies – Wickramsinghe

This isn’t the first time that extraterrestrial life has been confirmed, according to Wickramasinghe. In an earlier paper (2) that he co-authored in 2012 titled “Non-terrestrial origin of life: a transformative research paradigm shift”  where the abstract reads:

Theories and hypotheses in science are continually subject to verification, critical re-evaluation, revision and indeed evolution, in response to new observations and discoveries. Theories of the origin of life have been more constrained than other scientific theories and hypotheses in this regard, through the force of social and cultural pressures. There has been a tendency to adhere too rigidly to a class of theory that demands a purely terrestrial origin of life. For nearly five decades evidence in favour of a non-terrestrial origin of life and panspermia has accumulated which has not been properly assessed. A point has now been reached that demands the serious attention of biologists to a possibly transformative paradigm shift of the question of the origin of life, with profound implications across many disciplines – Wickramsinghe

Just to reiterate, these scientists are claiming to have found fossilized biological structures in a Sri Lankan meteorite of extraterrestrial origin. The researchers say that tiny algae-like fossils found in meteorite fragments could not have originated on our planet. There have been critics that say the stone was of terrestrial origin, and the study addressees these concerns and debunks them with scientific evidence (1)(3).

Extraterrestrial Life and Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life

This is a very significant finding, it’s the first time that a direct scientific find of extraterrestrial life can be confirmed. You would think that it would make major headlines, but unfortunately it didn’t. As illustrated in an earlier paper (2), a point has now been reached that demands the serious attention of biologists to a possibly transformative paradigm shift on the question about the origin of life. It’s well known that theories about the origin of life have been very constrained, more so than other scientific theories and hypotheses due to the force of social and cultural pressures(2). The question of extraterrestrial life, and even beyond that, intelligent extraterrestrial life is currently playing a large role in a massive and transformative paradigm shift that is currently occurring on our planet.

On one hand, we have mainstream science looking for signs for extraterrestrial life, on the other hand we have a very large amount of evidence to suggest that intelligent extraterrestrial life has already been discovered -and that this shocking paradigm shifting information has been concealed from the public for over 70 years.  I use this clip a lot, but it’s a great statement made by a researcher who examined the subject from the perspective that not only has extraterrestrial life been discovered, but intelligent extraterrestrial life exists and is engaging with this planet and the human race. What do you think?

A lot of this ‘evidence’ has been provided and written about by many. Collective Evolution has multiple articles that provide official documentation as well as witness testimony from multiple sources. For more on the intelligent extraterrestrial life debate, please visit our “Exopolitics” section under our “Alternative News” tab.


(1) http://journalofcosmology.com/JOC21/PolonnaruwaRRRR.pdf

(2) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23225070

(3) http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1303/1303.1845.pdf



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4166 days ago
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The Little Book of Contentment


‘He who is contented is rich.’ ~Lao Tzu

By Leo Babauta

One of the most important things I’ve learned in the last 7 years has been how to find contentment.

It’s been a long journey, but I’ve enjoyed it. I struggled with feeling bad about my body, feeling insecure about myself, doubting my abilities to make it without an employer, doubting myself as a writer, not believing I had discipline or the ability to change my habits.

And all this led to other problems: I sought happiness and pleasure in food, beer, shopping, distraction, TV. I procrastinated, I let my health get bad, I smoked, I was deeply in debt, unhappy with my work, never exercised, and ate lots of junk food.

Not a pretty picture. But if I’d never been in that place, I wouldn’t understand how to get out of it. And so I’m grateful I was there. I’ve learned a lot, about myself and about how to find happiness in who I am, what I have, who I’m with, what I do, and all that’s around me.

And now, I’d like to share that with you.

I’ve written a free book called The Little Book of Contentment: A guide to becoming happy with life & who you are, while getting things done. I share it with you today, in hopes that it will help a few of you, or maybe many, who struggle with being happy with yourselves and your lives. It’s a more common problem than you might imagine, and if I can help just a little, that would be amazing.

I hope you like the book.

Table of Contents

  1. The Agreement
  2. The Root of the Problem
  3. The What & Why of Contentment
  4. The Path of Contentment
  5. Contentment Isn’t Doing Nothing
  6. Comparing to What You Don’t Have
  7. Watch Your Ideals & Expectations
  8. Advertising & Fantasies
  9. Build Trust
  10. Love Yourself
  11. Trying to Find Happiness in External Sources
  12. Where Happiness Comes From
  13. Finding Happiness Within
  14. Our Reactions to the Actions of Others
  15. Don’t Tie Your Self-Worth to Others’ Actions
  16. Become Whole In a Relationship
  17. Self-Happiness & Meeting Others
  18. Jealousy of Others
  19. Techniques for Self-Acceptance
  20. FAQ
  21. Conclusion
  22. Summary of Action Steps

The book is uncopyrighted.

Download the Book

You can download the book for free in several formats:

Please note that you shouldn’t download this book unless you plan to:

  1. Set aside an hour to read this book. Not put aside, but actually read it. Close everything else on your computer and give yourself an hour of undistracted time to read this book.
  2. Put the method into action. Immediately.
  3. Practice the skills daily, just a few minutes a day. In a short time, you should have some basic skills that help you to be content, less angry, less stressed out.

Questions & Answers

Q: How much does the book cost?
A: It’s free.

Q: Do you give refunds?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I read it on my iPad or iPhone?
A: Yes. Download the epub version, then drag into iTunes on your computer. Then sync the iPad or iPhone with iTunes on your computer, and the book should now appear in the iBooks app on your iPad/iPhone. Detailed instructions.

Q: When & how can I get it on my Kindle?
A: It’s now available for the Kindle! (Download here.) To add it to your Kindle, first make sure your Kindle is connected to your computer via USB. Then, copy the downloaded file to the “documents” folder of your Kindle. It will appear on your Home screen.

Q: What if I don’t want to commit to an hour of undistracted reading time, or putting it into action?
A: You shouldn’t download it. I’ve written this book for people who actually want to read it and use it.

Q: Who designed the book? It’s brilliant!
A: I know, right? I did, and I will admit my design skills are best described as “humble”.

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4282 days ago
Worth the try.
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4282 days ago
This is a test
San Francisco, California